zondag 24 april 2011

More Wedding Guests Revealed!!

More Wedding Guests Revealed!! - This afternoon a “selected” guest list for next Friday’s wedding was announced. Personally, I am more interested in the gathering of the extended Royal Family and the congregating foreign Royal Families than in the celebrities (and as we well know it is rare for me not to be interested in celebrities). King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan were reputed to be on the guest list, but they are not included here; if they are invited and attending, they may not be on the released guest list for security concerns.

Everyone in this photo will be present on the wedding day (The Duchess of Kent will also be there, but she is not in the above photo). Interestingly, the list of the members of the Royal Family included one name I did not recognize: The Lady Saltoun. The Lady Saltoun, a member of the House of Lords, married the late Alexander Ramsay, grandson of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught. Who was Prince Arthur, you ask? None other than the third son of the illustrious Queen Victoria! By marriage, this makes Lady Saltoun and Her Majesty the Queen second cousins once removed.
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