Sergio Ramos Drop Copa del rey trophy video - Sergio Ramos Video: Watch Madrid Star Drop Copa Del Rey, Gets It Run over by Bus.Eventually, the bus starts moving again, and the celebration continues, but Ramos looks downright crestfallen atop Madrid's party bus, now that it's clear the object he'd been working so hard to win has been broken.
COPA DEL REY APLASTADA, SE LE CAE A SERGIO RAMOS Y EL AUTOBUS LA ATROPELLAMadrid officials told reporters that the Copa was damaged by being run over and that the team was working to fix it. Ramos later admitted the Cup had been damaged, but jokingly told fans:
"The whole thing about the cup was a misunderstanding, it didn't jumped off when it reached Cibeles and saw so many Madrid fans," Ramos tweeted.