vrijdag 1 april 2011

Singapore Prepaid Calling Cards - Starhub Prepaid

Singapore Prepaid Calling Cards : singapore prepaid sim card with data - Starhub Prepaid :: Starhub Prepaid Card - Basic Value-Added Services
1. Free calls to emergency numbers
2. 120 number phone book memory
3. Free Caller Number Display
4. Voicemail

How much does it cost to buy a Starhub prepaid SIM?
How much does it cost to buy?
You can start with a S$8 Starhub 2G Green Prepaid card which comes with a S$10 value and 20 free local SMS, or a S$15 card which comes with S$18 value and 60 free local SMS.

Buying one should not be too difficult, you should get one at convenience stores like 7-Elevens, Cheers, money/ currency exchangers, mobile phone stores etc.

What are the basic charges?
You can use calls and SMS at the following rates
a. Local calls (calling Singapore numbers) - 22 cents for 1st minute, and 18 cents thereafter
Current promotional rates (till 31st March 2009)- 8 cents for the 2nd minute onwards

b. Local SMS (sending to Singapore numbers) - flat rate of 5 cents per SMS

c. Global SMS (sending to international numbers) - flat rate of 15 cents per SMS.

d. You can use it for data or WAP surfing
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